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to get Presidential and Parliamentary Candidates to pledge against corruption


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Presidential Candidates' Pledge Against Corruption

To the Great People of Ghana,

As a candidate for the 2024 presidency, I am committed to a governance ethos that fights against corruption, enhances transparency, and ensures accountability. To this end, I solemnly pledge to the following commitments:

1. Financial Transparency and Probity:

a. I will ensure every appointee and myself undergo asset declaration before assuming office and asset verification by CHRAJ upon leaving office, as per Article 286 of the 1992 Constitution.

b. If elected president, I will secure and make public the asset declarations of all my intended appointees before announcing their nominations or appointments.

c. I will ensure that every officer of my campaign team and I publicly declare our assets at least six months before the 2024 elections.

2. Transparent Governance:

a. Under my government, any sole-sourced contract above GHS 100,000 will be published for public scrutiny before signing.

b. My government will not create additional districts but focus on enhancing existing ones.

c. I will scrap ex-gratia for public officers and enrol all in the SSNIT pension scheme.

d. I will publicly announce the number of ministers and deputy ministers I intend to appoint if elected and will stand by this upon assuming office.

e. I will champion the amendment of Article 78 (1) of the Constitution to allow for a wider pool of ministerial candidates, not limited to a majority from parliament.

f. I will support and champion the passage of a conduct of public officers’ legislation with a robust asset declaration regime that effectively regulates conflict of interest and gifts.

g. I will ensure that my political party submits all outstanding audited financials to the electoral commission as required by law before the 2024 elections and continue to do so after the elections.

h. I will publicly disclose the identities of donors who have cumulatively given my campaign more than GHS 100,000.

3. Decentralisation and Grassroots Empowerment:

a. I will champion the cause for ensuring District and Municipal Chief Executives are elected to enhance grassroots participation in governance.

b. I will strengthen Protective Mechanisms for Whistleblowers and bolster the protections under the Whistleblower Act, 2006 (Act 720), ensuring those who expose corruption are shielded from any form of retaliation.

4. Enforcement and Accountability:

a. Recognising the importance of these commitments, I invite civil society, the media, and all Ghanaians to hold me accountable to this pledge.

This pledge is my bond to you, the people of Ghana, underscoring my commitment to transparent, accountable, and inclusive governance.

What we demand from Candidates

Pledge to combat corruption, uphold transparency, and ensure accountability throughout campaign and potential tenure.

Demands from Candidates

Adhere to Article 286 of the 1992 Constitution, requiring asset declaration before and after assuming office.

Demands from Candidates

Advocate for diverse ministerial appointments, limiting them to 40, and championing the Draft Conduct of Public Officers Bill, 2022

Demands from Candidates

Ensure transparency by disclosing donors contributing to campaign and submitting audited financials of political party to the Electoral Commission.

Demands from Candidates

Prioritize the publication of sole-sourced contracts over GHS 500,000, strengthening protections under the Whistleblower Act.

Demands from Candidates

Advocate for ministerial appointments to be limited to 40, and promote sustainable development practices in existing districts rather than creating new ones.

Demands from Candidates

Support grassroots empowerment by advocating for the election of District and Municipal Chief Executives.

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